Real Gardeners
Built by real gardeners for real gardeners
Welcome to Real Gardeners, or RG as we affectionately call it.
Real Gardeners first came online in 2001.
Since then it has been recommended by many of the top gardening magazines and we have a worldwide membership.
It has remained a non-commercial site throughout this time with funds being raised via donations from members.
We are a friendly bunch at RG and hope you will enjoy looking around.

Our Forums
A very popular place where members meet and discuss all topics, whether related to gardening or not. We have forums for veggie gardening, ornamental, and a forum to show off your achievements. Just click HERE and all will be revealed. You can view without registering, but need to register in order to post.

Photo of the month
Each month we hold a photo competition in our General Forum. See here for the winners.

A garden to die for
Few people realise how many plants are poisonous and, in some cases, deadly. Visit our comprehensive, fully illustrated, section on this fascinating topic by looking HERE.
It could save your life!

The Reference Library
This is a comprehensive archive of information posted over the years by our members.
Sections include - annuals & biennials - bulbs, corms, tubers & rhizomes - perennials - shrubs - trees - hedges - lawns - water gardening - fruit and vegetables - propagation - pests and diseases - weeds and other thugs - soil and compost - climate and microclimate - hard landscaping - greenhouses, polytunnels and cold frames , design

Wildlife Friends
Some wildlife friends we all recognise, but others we aren't so sure of, so look HERE for a comprehensive list of them.